Group News

7. Jun 2024

7. Jun 2024

31. May 31

16. May 2024

10. May 2024

7. May 2024
Cheng He’s paper published in Remote Sensing of Environment!

29. April 2024

5. March 2024

27. February 2024
Ruize Sun’s paper published in Environmental Research Letters

20. October 2023
Guowen He’s paper published in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

15. October 2023

26. September 2023
Nanxi Liu’s paper published in Journal of Environmental Sciences

15. September 2023

18. August 2023
Wanshan Tan’s paper published in ES&T

1. July 2023

30. June 2023

30. June 2023

31. May 2023

31. May 2023

17. April 2023
Xiao Lu’s paper published in PNAS

26. January 2023
Haolin Wang and Xiao’s paper published in Nature Geoscience

30. November 2022
Cheng He’s paper published in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

25. October 2022
Haolin Wang’s paper published in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

1. October 2022
Shuai Li joined the group as a new perspective master student! Congrats!

1. July 2022
Haolin Wang awarded the CSC funding! Congrats!

29. June 2022
Congrats to Jingyu Li, Meng Qu, and Fengyi Zhang, who just receive the B.S. degree and graduate from SYSU!

15. June 2022
Ruize Sun and Wanshan Tan passed the Peking University (PKU) Ph.D. entrance examination. Congrats!

01. April 2022
Jingyu Li joined the group as a new master student! Congrats!

12. January 2022
Xiao Lu’s new paper published in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

15. December 2021
Xiao Lu gave an invited talk in AGU2021

06. October 2021
Hao Yin’s new paper published in Environmental Research Letters

06. October 2021
Meng Qu, Shichen Xie, lujia Yi (undergraduate student, senior/junior) joined the group

10. September 2021
Jiayin Su, Ruize Sun, Wanshan Tan (undergraduate student, junior) joined the group

01. September 2021
Jingyu Li (undergraduate student, senior) joined the group

18. August 2021
Xiao Lu’s new paper published in Nature Communications

01. June 2021
Cheng He (master student supervised by Prof. Shaojia Fan and Prof. Xiao Lu) joined the group

01. May 2021
Haolin Wang (Ph.D. candidate supervised by Prof. Shaojia Fan and Prof. Xiao Lu) joined the group

01. May 2021
Xiao Lu officially joined Sun Yat-sen University

01. March 2021
Xiao Lu created this webpage